We are excited to announce that Daryl Kidder will be teaching our 4:00-5:00 (1st-5th grade) group and Noelle Blank will be teaching our 6:00-7:00 (6th-12th grade) group this year.
Please be prompt at arrival and dismissal as it helps our club run smoothly. Parents are welcome to stay during meetings, but they are not required to stay. A light snack and juice will be
Available to the children, to curb afterschool hunger.
We meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Except for October and April due to school holidays on the 2nd Wednesday. Our meetings will be on the following dates:
October 7th (because school is closed on the 14th)
November 11th
December 9th
January 13th
February 10th
March 10th
April 7th (because of school spring break)
May 12th
Please make attendance a priority as we purchase craft supplies based on the number of children registered. If your child can no longer attend Kid’s Art Club or if your child will be absent during a session, please notify us ASAP. The 1st session (the 1-5 grade younger session) is filled plus some. If any parent wants to stay and help with things such as passing out supplies during this session any month, please contact me as to which month you would like to help. It would be greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jody Timer by email at or by texting: 814-860-1756.
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